Ofsted Report

Sevenhills Academy was inspected on the 3rd & 4th October 2023. Ofsted inspectors shared our view that ‘This school continues to be good’. You access the report directly from the Ofsted website here.

Here are a selection of the key findings:

The curriculum at Sevenhills Academy is organised around English, reading, mathematics and personal, social and health education (PSHE). Pupils also receive advice about careers.

PSHE lessons are taught often and to all. This helps to prepare pupils to re-engage withmainstream education when they go back to their ‘home school’. Some pupils, for example those on the foundational pathway, experience lessons which are designed to give them experiences outside the classroom. 

Many pupils at Sevenhills Academy have had turbulent experiences of education. Selfregulation at school has been an issue for many pupils in the past. All staff at Sevenhills share a vision of a child-centred approach, designed to help pupils engage positively in education. 

Leaders’ record-keeping allows them to identify patterns of behaviour in order to make constant improvements to the experience of pupils. For example, a rise in suspensions and incidents of poor behaviour have led to leaders redesigning the foundation pathway for pupils. This pathway helps to integrate pupils into school life at a pace which supports them to attend and engage.

Staff enjoy working at the school. They are well supported by leaders, for example through daily morning and afternoon briefings. This allows for safeguarding issues to be discussed and actions implemented.