We are an Alternative Education Academy, serving students from all of the mainstream schools in North East Lincolnshire.
All of our students are referred from a mainstream school setting for one reason or another. They have come to us for an agreed period of support before going back to their mainstream school or moving on to a more suitable school placement. We make a difference during their time with us; by working on the skills they will need to be successful in their next placement.
Students are educated in modern facilities with access to fantastic learning resources and new technology. Teachers and support staff deliver high quality programmes of study that not only lead to GCSE accreditation, but also a number of bespoke vocational qualifications and others address social and emotional needs.
Sevenhills Academy is based next to the Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby.
Currently we cater for 60 Key Stage 3 students. There are photos in our galleries of our facilities, so please take a moment to enjoy them. They are proof of our children’s endless capacity to improve and to overcome their problems, when given the right help.
We encourage all parents considering a placement for their child to visit us. It is important to see the quality of the facilities we offer, but also to meet the team and to understand the way that we work. To arrange a visit please contact the school office on the number below:
Sevenhills Academy: 01472 322079
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Army Careers Newsletter
This event is aimed at young people aged between 10 and 18 years who are...
Wellspring Academy TrustWe are privileged to be part of Wellspring Academy Trust who believes that every school is unique, because it has a unique history; it serves a unique community context and is full of unique individuals. They value and celebrate the unique identities of their schools. They encourage them to innovate, create and develop their uniqueness because they want others to learn from them... read more